Rwiri Natural
Region : Matongo, Kayanza
Altitude : 1,800 masl
Process : Natural
Variety : Bourbon
Grade : A
Q Score : 87
Aroma: Clear strawberry, candy-like, delicious
Cup: Strawberry, blueberry, super clean and juicy. Beautiful coffee
Dominant Flavour
Secondary Flavour
Coffee Bio:
This coffee comes from the Rwiri washing station, near Matongo, Northern Burundi, and close to the border with Rwanda. It is produced by small-holders whose farms are typically smaller than 1 hectare. As such, the cooperative plays a crucial role in offering them access to market by aggregating their production per washing station, delivery date and quality.
Coffee cherries are collected three times a week. The natural lots are dried on African raised beds for three weeks before milling.
Yagikawa Cooperative:
Yagikawa was founded in 2007 and is one of the oldest cooperatives in Burundi. They collect coffee from 800 small-holders in the neighbouring 12 hills.
In the country’s official language, Kirundi, the name means “Talk about coffee”.
Rwiri Location