Francisco Martínez


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Region :               Huehuetenango
Altitude :            1,900 masL
Process :              Washed

Variety :               Caturra, Typica, Bourbon and San Ramon
Grade :                  SHB

Q SCORE :           86.25

Cupping notes and Coffee Info coming soon !

Dominant Flavour 

Secondary Flavour 

Coffee Bio

Don Francisco Martinez is a 75-year-old coffee producer, resident of Aldea El Chalúm, from the municipality of La Libertad. He has been a member of Esquipulas (COOPESQUI, R.L) for 23 years and a coffee farmer for more than 55 years. He is also part of the Specialty project in the Highlands of Huehuetenango. 

Altitude, varieties, good agricultural practices and the immaculate washed process have made it possible for Don Francisco to produce high quality coffee consistently and increase his plot’s productivity. As a result, he serves as a role model for the local coffee farming community who want to earn a better income and better quality of life for their families.

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