Kianjogu AA
Coop : Rutuma F.C.S.
Region : Nyeri
Altitude : 1,600–1,800 masl
Process : Fully Washed
Variety : SL 28, SL 34, Batian, Ruiru 11
Grade : AA
Q Score: 88
** Vacuum Packed**
Aroma: Tropical, blackcurrent. Strawberry on break.
Cup: Blackcurrent dominant, super juicy. High sweetness and very long aftertaste.
Cranberry juice all the way as it cools, with a squeeze of lime.
Dominant Flavour
Secondary Flavour
Kianjogu is situated in the heart of the Nyeri district and is one of Rutuma FCS ‘s five washing stations. It counts 9,300 members and 11 washing stations that produce about 8,000 bags per year. Most of the farmers delivering coffee cherries to Kabare grow SL28 and SL34 varieties.
The region’s soil is mostly clay loam and is located in the western sloped of the Aberdare Mountain range where a valley is formed with the eastern side of Mount Kenya. The flowering happens between February and April and the harvest takes place between October and January.
The name of the factory can be translated into “a place where elephants can be found”. In the local language called Kikuyu, the word “Njogu” means “Elephant”.
The water used for processing comes from the Ruthagati dam. This dam also provides clean water for the community and their cattle.
The cherries are hand-sorted before pulping. The resulting parchment coffee is then fermented overnight in tanks in order to break down the remaining mucilage. After fermentation, the parchment is then washed and graded into P1, P2, P3 and P lights.
The last stage is the drying, done on African raised beds, which takes between 9 and 15 days.
Most of the farmers are taking back the cherry pulps into their farms to turn it into manure for their trees.